Peafowls are in my opinion one of the most beautiful creatures existing. I find them extremely extraordinary. One time when I was staying at a friend’s house in California, there were peafowls all over the neighbourhood. I remember being instantly in love with them since and wanting to read more about these creatures.
Most people may not be familiar with the term "peafowl," but instead "peacock". For your information, the term peacock is referred to the male while the female is known as a peahen and the immature offspring are called peachicks. There are three different species; Indian blue peafowl, Congo peafowl, and Javan green peafowl. There’s no denying that they are very majestic looking, especially the male.
After reading about them online, I discovered a fun fact: there is also all-white peafowls. This is called leucism which is a genetic mutation that causes loss of pigmentation. It is similar to being albino but instead of having red eyes, they retain their normal eye color.
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